Sustaining Cultural Heritage
The foundation stimulates, develops, documents, curates artistic donations, and makes cultural heritage accessible to collecting institutions and the general public.

» The Heritage Foundation for Art and Cultural Sustainability (HFACS) focuses on the art and musical heritage that emerged from colonization, slavery, settlement and resettlement, trade, and forced migrations. Its vision is to create a mechanism that can celebrate, support, and sustain artistic and cultural heritage in the Gulf South and all countries of origin.
» Receiving objects and funds to support global projects that align with our mission of promoting arts and cultural sustainability, including:
» Facilitating repatriation: Providing assistance to repatriate cultural artifacts in physical or digital form to national organizations that commit to upholding HFACS’ mission of using culture to bridge cultural differences and promote global peace and sustainable development.
» Providing technical, logistical, and financial support: Offering fiscal sponsorship to partners and organizations that share the foundation’s vision.
» Consulting and management support services are available to institutions that strive to promote artistic and musical heritage.
» The foundation also focuses on developing and distributing educational materials and objects in physical or digital form that represent arts and music from our target population. This is in support of the foundation’s mission to celebrate, support, and sustain cultural heritage.
» In addition, HFACS aims to expand public awareness of ethnographic art objects through its collections, both online and on exhibit.
Community Support
» Providing a venue for the distribution of donations and/or sale of objects and images or recordings forward the foundation objectives.
» Artist Assistance: Offering support to artists and musicians to enable them to continue producing their creative work.
The Heritage Foundation for Art and Cultural Sustainability (HFACS) is pleased to announce its participation and support of a new foundation with similar objectives founded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Elyse Heritage Fondation (EHF) was formed in August 2022.
The objectives of the Foundation are multiple and fit well with the cultural and sustainable development goals of HAF. While the original document is in French, below is a summary of EHF’s objectives:
- Promote cultural exchange through the process of international cooperation in the return of cultural objects from the Congo to the museum in Kinshasa.
- Promote and support of the National Museum of the DRC.
- Promote events and exhibitions in support of the National Museum.
- Facilitate educational opportunities for DRC museum personnel and others who could benefit from cultural education.
- Support recognition of the place of women in the arts and culture in the DRC and worldwide.
- Assist in resource and fundraising for the National Museum of the DRC and other museums that have exhibit objects that originated in the DRC.
The Heritage Foundation for Art and Cultural Sustainability is pleased to have helped in the creation of the Elyse Heritage Fondation to support ethnographic art in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.